Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Eating Some Breakfast

Mason Got a Haircut

We got Mason's haircut again last night. Boy was that not fun! He screamed bloody murder. Which I knew he would, but it was simply awful. He looks so cute though. It was worth all the tears. He might not think so, but you definitely know he is Kevin's son. They are twins!!!

Sunday, December 28, 2008

One of His Favorites

This is one of Mason's favorite things he got this Christmas. He just sits and plays the music and acts like he is reading the book that came with it. Thanks Uncle Travis!!!

Christmas Morning

Mason loved opening presents this year, so much that he wanted to keep opening presents that weren't his. It's so funny b/c every morning when we get up and come in the living room, it's like he forgot he has new toys b/c he get so excited.

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

The Cutie Pie

The Smallest of the Family

The smallest of the small. Mason would not sit and have his picture taken with my cousin Erica's little ones, Jackson and Ava. They are all so cute!!


Christmas in Loogootee

Mason and His Daddy

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Mason Perched on a Present

I finally caught Mason perched on the present long enough to take his picture. He did it on two different occasions. You can't really tell, but his butt is wider than the present. Who knows how it is comfortable. Oh and to top it all off, it is a present for me!!!

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Update...14 weeks 4 days

It's been so long since we've posted and we didn't have very many new pictures, so I figured I would write a little to update. We went to the doctor this past Friday and I was 14 weeks 2 days. Everything went well, I didn't gain a pound which I was pumped about! I never did that with Mason, I gained everytime. My blood pressure was a little high, but we think it was b/c I was excited about the weight issue. Dr. Gates was our doctor this week, and he is great. He found the heartbeat pretty quickly, but it was still really low but really fast. If you are wondering why I said he was our doctor this week, I go to an OB office that has 5 doctors and you have to see everyone once and then you can pick your favorites after that. This is the same place I went with Mason, so I already know my favorites, but I follow the rules anyways. I have seen 3 of the 5 so far. There are 3 women and 2 men and Kevin and I both actually like both men better than all the women. One of the men, Dr. Leone is who delivered Mason and actually Dr. Gates delivered my cousin's little girl this past May. We go back on January 16 for an ultrasound and appointment. I will be 19 weeks at that point, so we will get to determine what our little one will be!! We are very excited and cannot believe how fast time is going.

In other news, Kevin is finished with the current semester of school, he got A's in both of his classes. We are just glad he is finished for a few weeks. Our house is still for sale, but at this point we are not really worried about it. My friend Kristen and I had our annual Christmas baking day yesterday and it was exhausting! We made so many goodies, I don't know how they are going to get eaten. Martha and Bret also came down to help and we sent a bunch of stuff home with them too. I'm pretty tired today still, but I have more Christmas shopping to do today so I will be busy with that. The only person left I have to buy for is Kevin, and he is the hardest by far!!! Everyone needs to cross their fingers that I do well this year!!

Until next time, I hope everyone has a wonderful holiday!!

Cute Little Sleeper

This was taken by Kevin one morning when I was at work. Kevin swears that he did not move Spongebob onto the pillow, but that it was already there. Doesn't he look so precious?!?!

Christmas Time!

We put up our Christmas Tree the day after Thanksgiving. Mason has done pretty well with it, he does like to touch it a lot, but at least he doesn't bother the presents. Although there is one under there that he likes to sit on. We have been trying to get a picture of him perched on this present for days now and we have not been lucky. It is so cute too, b/c the present isn't even as wide as his little bottom!! He is too funny.

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving!!

Well Mason definitely loves Thanksgiving. He ate so much Turkey and rolls, I think his little belly should've exploded. Oh and he also loves pumpkin pie, with cool whip of course!

Mason and His Mom

Playing at Mammaw's House


A few weeks ago, Kevin and I went to Jenn and Andy's Wedding. Kevin used to work with Jenn in the ICU. Of course as you can see, Kevin is the only male with all of his ICU co-workers. We had a really good time!

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Boone Family Addition

I figured it was time to update everyone on the Boone Family and all our exciting news. We will be adding a new addition to our family June 10, 2009! Mason will be a big brother. We've tried explaining it, but I don't think he gets it. I'm only 9 weeks and 3 days, but I've known for about 4 weeks. We went to the doctor when I was 6 weeks and we seen the little dot with a heartbeat. It is so exciting. I would post a picture of the ultrasound, but it literally is just a dot. I've not been feeling the greatest this time around. I have good days and bad days. It's definitely not like the first time. With Mason, I would maybe feel a little nauseas in the morning and then be fine the rest of the day. Now when I don't feel well, it's all day long. It sucks.

Plus, I know they say the 2nd time you show quicker, but dang I'm already wearing maternity pants. It's depressing, but I have no control I suppose. I go back to the doctor next Friday, I'll be 10 weeks. It's crazy how fast time is going already. June will be here before we all know it.

In other news, our house is still for sale. We have had quite a few showings, but everyone says it's too small for them. Which I understand, that is one of the reasons we are trying to get of here. Oh well, things will happen when they are supposed to.

Kevin is almost finished with another semester of school. It's crazy to think that Christmas is less than 2 months away! It will be exciting with Mason this year b/c I think he will understand a little better than last year.

Well I guess that is all that is going on in our life. We are not very exciting. Mason still loves his Spongebob and thank god the child is finally drinking milk! He is really starting to pork out. Anyways, until next time. Everyone take care!

Mason and His Rocker

Mason has this new thing where he will turn on his fish tank in his bed, then run to find his blanket and run back to his room and get in the rocking chair. It doesn't matter if it is daylight or nighttime, if you can't find him, he is probably back in his room hanging out listening to music. It is so cute!

Mason and His Daddy

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Happy Halloween....Sort of

Here Mason is stuffing his mouth of mini oreos before we ventured out.

Mason was all ready to go trick or treating. But it was not the experience Kevin or I was hoping for. He screamed and threw a fit the whole time. We only went to a couple of houses, Kevin's aunt and grandma's and I don't know, he just didn't want any part of it. I think mainly it was b/c he doesn't really know them yet, b/c he is so young and he doesn't remember people well or what, but it was awful to say the least. He loved being at Mammaw Martha's and eating candy and stuff and he didn't even mind wearing the costume, but he didn't like going anwhere else. Let's just hope next year is much better!

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Mason's Haircut

We got Mason's haircut for the second time last night. You would have thought we were awful parents, b/c from the moment we sat him in this little car, he screamed bloody murder until the lady was finished. I totally give the lady credit though, he was in the chair at 6:30pm and we were back in the car at 6:40. She was really great and his haircut is really cute. He totally looks like a little man!

Saturday, October 25, 2008

I'm So Mad

Mason was mad b/c I'm pretty sure I took something away from him, but wouldn't you know it, after all the screaming, he never once shed a tear!

Being Mischievious