Saturday, March 28, 2009

29 Weeks 3 Days

I am 29 Weeks and 3 Days today and it is unbelievable how fast time is going. I finally got Molly's bedding ordered this weekend and I'm looking forward to being able to decorate a nursery now that we will have a house and she will have her own room. Things are going pretty feet has started swelling already and I think everyday I wake up bigger, but I guess that just means she is growing!

Mason and Daddy

Daddy gave himself and Mason a haircut tonight. They both look so much better and Mason is definitely more of a little man!!

New House

FINALLY!!! Something has worked in our favor. This is our new house. It is in Michigantown which is a few minutes north of Kirklin right across the street from Kevin's high school. It is the house we originally put ours on the market for and it was still for sale, so we decided it was meant to be. It's a great house and I think we will be very happy there. The inspection went really well so everything is a go. We will probably be moving at the end of April. So thank God we will be settled before little Miss Molly decides to make an appearance!

Mason and Pepper

This is Mammaw and Pappaw Engleman's dog, Pepper. Mason and Pepper get along really well and it's so fun to watch them play together. Pepper thinks he is some big bad dog and the reality is...he is only 6 lbs!

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Not So Little Anymore

Just eating some lunch!

Being silly!

Mason loves his Ming-Ming!

Mason is not so little anymore. It's crazy to think he will be 2 in May. We finally got him a big boy bed and got it put together this weekend. Of course it is Spongebob, but we haven't had him sleep in it yet. I don't think it will be a problem....I just can't seem to let him sleep in it yet. He's growing up too fast!

Little Molly Mae

We had a 3D/4D Ultrasound done on Friday to meet little Molly. It is so amazing what you can see. She was breach at this point so the technician had a little trouble getting good face pictures but as you can see she has got some really chubby cheeks! We did the same thing when Mason was 34 weeks and we can already tell that they do not look that similar. The technician also couldn't get the DVD to record so we get to go back for a free session when I am 31 weeks. We are very excited and cannot wait until she is really here!

Friday, March 13, 2009

Too Good to Be True

Well I know it's been awhile since I've posted I thought I'd better get caught up. A lot has been going on in our family and not all of it good. Some things are just too good to be true here lately. We sold our house and THOUGHT we had found the perfect house. Everything was falling into place. Well...let's just start with the fact that we are NOT buying the house that is posted below. We had the inspection and found so many high dollar items needed fixing and for the price we were paying...we couldn't afford to fix it and didn't really want to either...and the seller's didn't want to fix them, so we said thanks...but no thanks. So that left us with no where to go. We are closing on our house in Fishers today and were supposed to be in the new house on the 20th. What were we going to do? We had no where to store our where to stay. All of this happened on my birthday no less. Then we had the appraisal on our house. Did you think that could've went our way? NO! Of course not. Why would we have any good luck in all of this process. So we had to lower the price on our house and take more of hit than we did in the beginning. Anyway....our house is sold and we were packing...but still had no where to go.

We finally found an apartment that we could lease short-term and was reasonable. Finally some good news. We moved in over this past weekend. It's a great apartment in a great area in Carmel. Mason has adjusted really well...the only bad thing about the apartment is that it is on the 3rd floor. The bigger I get, the harder it gets going up all those stairs. So now, we are back in the house hunting process. It's just really frustrating b/c little Molly will be here in June and who knows if we will be in a house by then.

At least we are back to having some sort of normalcy. Mason is growing like a weed and the terrible two's are getting closer and closer. He is getting quite good at throwing a tantrum. I'll try to post some pictures of the little guy soon. As for Molly....she is growing too. I think my belly gets bigger every day. We go back to the doctor on the 19th for my blood sugar test and a checkup. I'll be 28 weeks at that point. It's crazy to think how fast this is all going.

Everyone please keep your fingers crossed that we find a house soon and can be prepared for little Molly's arrival! Until next time.....