Saturday, May 23, 2009

Bed Rest It is..............

So by the time noon rolled around on Wednesday, it was the longest I have ever been pregnant. I'm really starting to get nervous as is Kevin b/c from now on it's new territory. None of us know what to really expect from here on out. We went to the doctor yesterday and I was 37 weeks and 2 days. I didn't feel real well so I knew something was probably going to happen. Well of course when we get to the doctor's office, my doctor is running behind which rarely ever happens. I go back get weighed, and actually lost 3 lbs from the week before which is probably even more unlikely and then they take the infamous blood pressure. My blood pressure has always been an issue. It's what caused me to be induced at 37 weeks with Mason and it has been an issue this time around as well but early on rather than later. Well yesterday it was 172/88. Which is not good. But the good news was that I didn't have any protein in my urine and I had lost weight. So Dr. Gates was kind of baffled why my bp was high. So he immediately said, "Bed Rest". He said I probably wasn't pre-eclamptic, but he was sending me to the hospital lab to have blood work done and if anything came back abnormal I was to be admitted. He thinks that my bp was automatically shooting up whenever I got up and moved around, so bed rest it is. Thank god, my blood work came back normal and everything is ok. I was only dialated 1 cm so from now on I'm only supposed to get up to go to the bathroom, get something to eat or take a shower.

Let me just to tell you that it SUCKS! I hate just sitting around especially when I don't FEEL that bad and I think I should be doing something. So now instead of going to the doctor once a week, I now have to go twice a week. So my next appointment is Tuesday. Hopefully we can keep Molly happy a little while longer! I've been saying for a week or two now that I'm just ready to be done. But after yesterday and knowing it could really be anytime, I'm NOT ready. LOL. I guess it's really out of my hands at this point.

I'll keep everyone posted as things progress. It's crazy to think we are finally getting to the end!

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Molly's Room

Molly's room is finally complete! It took a lot of work, but we are now officially ready for her arrival! Her closet is even complete with all the millions of clothes!

Mason's New Chairs

Mason got some new chairs for his birthday that he loves. He has one more that I didn't get a picture of but is a grasshopper lawn chair. They are all really cute!!

Happy Birthday Mason!!

Mason's 2nd birthday was Saturday. We had a big party with all our family and friends. Mason got a lot of great stuff and we think he had a great time.


Sunday, May 10, 2009

Molly's Room

Well let's hope poor little Molly doesn't decide to make an appearance anytime soon b/c as you can see, her room is not even close to being finished. I haven't washed any clothes or bedding and crap is just thrown all over the place. It's the only room in the house that isn't finished, but we will get there. I just now got through going through some of Mason's baby clothes and my cousin's little girl's baby clothes and now they need to be washed. Let's just say that this little girl will ALWAYS have something to wear. I thought Mason had a lot of clothes as a baby but I think Molly has already put him to shame! But, what do you expect? She is a girl!!!


Well it's Mother's Day and we have officially been in our new house for 8 days. We are finally getting settled and it's starting to look like a home. We really love it here. Mason is finally starting to sleep most of the night. We had issues the last few weeks at the apartment. He decided he was going to start crawling out of his crib so we bought him a toddler bed. Well he didn't want to sleep it in and when he did, it was never for more than 2 hours at a time. He spent a lot of time in our bed which I never wanted to do, but when you need sleep you will do anything. Well needless to say we are selling the toddler bed b/c he still refused to sleep in it in the new house and he started sleeping in the spare bed. So now the spare bed is his new bed and we have to get a new bed for the spare. Whatever works!!! I didn't think it would be this hard transitioning and of course everytime I ask people if they had trouble, they were always like, oh no it was an easy move. Of course it was!!! Anyways, we are getting there and right now Mason only wakes up usually once a night sometimes twice. But the new issue that is occurring is now that he's in his own bed, once it's daylight, he's awake. Which lately is 645 am! How fun for us! Oh well.

We are also getting ready for Mason's 2nd birthday which is Saturday, May 16th. It is crazy how fast another year has went.

The post below was from packing at the apartment. Mason thought it would be easier if we just put him in the box. He is quite the funny man!!

Well I hope all mothers have a great Mother's Day!

Pack Him Up and Ship Him Out