Saturday, June 6, 2009

Random Pics of the Day

Molly's First Bath

Molly had her first bath last night, and just like Mason, she HATED it!! She is so cute though!!

My Three Loves

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Molly Mae Has Arrived!!

Well little Molly has finally arrived. She was born on Monday, June 1st at 8:49am. She was 8lbs 8oz and 20 inches long! Big girl!! We were supposed to be induced today, June 4th, but apparently she had other plans. We had all went to bed on Sunday night around 11pm and I was dozing in and out while Kevin was watching softball and touching my belly. Well he woke me up around midnight telling me I was having contractions! I couldn't believe I wasn't feeling anything. Well we decided to call the doctor around 12:48am and she told us to monitor it for an hour and call back if they were stronger. I had lost my plug earlier in the day so we knew something could happen at any time. Well during that hour, the contractions were pretty strong and about 7-10 minutes apart. We called back and she said to come on in, especially b/c we now live 40 minutes from the hospital so no one wanted to take any chances. At this point, she was so low, that I was literally going to the bathroom every 5 minutes. We ended up leaving our house at about 215am and of course we barely made it to Kirklin 5 minutes away when we had to stop at Kevin's parents so I could use the bathroom. At this point I was determined to hold it the rest of way. Well Kevin decides he's going to drive 90 the rest of the way and we made it to the hospital by 245am.
We get checked in and taken to triage where they start monitoring my contractions and it was determined I was 4 cm and 50% effaced, so I was staying. Plus my contractions were 3 minutes apart at this point. We get in our new room in Labor and Delivery and I get my epidural and shortly after my doctor breaks my water. Well after about an hour and a half I was only dilated to 5 so they decided to start some pitocin. Again after an hour or so I was 6cm. Slowly I was getting there. Well I began to have horrible lower back pain. I was starting to feel the contractions in my lower abdomen and around my left side into the back. It was AWFUL. So they called back the epidural man and he gave me a second dose. Well apparently he went to fast or gave me too much at once and my blood pressure bottomed out and Molly's heart rate fell to 40. All at once everyone was scrambling around, they called an emergency code, I was flipped to my left side and had oxygen. I had no clue what was happening.
Molly's heart rate came right back up but I had to stay on my left side until I started pushing. They ended up stopping the pitocin, but I was still feeling the contractions. They again gave me another does of the epidural and it STILL did not work and finally he gave me a dose of fentanyl. And finally there was relief! I was so numb I couldn't even tell them that I had pressure and needed to push. We started pushing at 820am and by 849am she was here!
She is so beautiful and we are all excited she is finally here. Mason has done really well with her so far. We are just glad to be home and hopefully can get a routine started.

The Day Before Molly was Born....

This was taken on Sunday, May 31st. I was 38 weeks and 4 days. Kevin kept insisting we take one more picture of my belly before Molly was born. Who would've known she would literally come the very next day!!